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Saranac Clarksville District Library

SCDL Kids & Family Kits

At both of our locations we have educational material available for checkout. Interactive portable learning tools to encourage your child to explore the world around them. Topics include bird watching, flowers, anatomy, dinosaurs, robotics, & so much more!

Steam Kits

Steam kits are specifically designed with education in mind, each kit teaching your child about a new concept or topic to learn about. The kits include reading material, activities, toys, & more. 

Check one out in Saranac today!

Adventure Kits

Adventure kits are designed to be portable activity backpacks containing reading material, activities, toys, & more. They encourage your child to get outside & into nature to observe the world around them.

Check one out at either location today!!

Steam kits available in Saranac!

Bibliocommons Staff Picks

Digital Services
HooplaLibbyCreativebug Library Pass

Check out our large collection of downloadable library material available to you on Hoopla, Comics Plus, Libby by Overdrive, Library Pass and Creativebug. 

eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, crafting tutorials, classes, learn new skills and also download movies, tv shows, music, comics and more!

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